Let's play, "What's in your bag?!" Photographers Addition!
I have spent the better portion of the last 3 years finding the right gear for myself. Not to mention the insane amount of MONEY! I have rented lenses, I have purchased used lenses, I have purchased brand new lenses/bodies. Pretty much done it all. The only thing I have NOT done, is switched from Canon. I've had a Canon Camera in my hand since the start, and I don't know that that'll ever change.
My main body right now is a Canon Mirrorless R6. It's pretty sweet, I've gotta say. Having the ability to adjust your exposure and settings, and SEE what that does while on site, is pretty spectacular. My back-up body is a Canon 6D Mark II. I super enjoy this body. It was my second or third full-frame camera, and I fell in love with it instantly. I still take it out to play when I'm documenting my kids!
Lenses. I've never been the girl who has one of something. Or uses the same of something over and over. So it would make sense that I have pretty much every lens. I shoot with them all too! I have a Canon 35MM 1.4L, a Canon 50MM 1.2L, a Canon 85MM 1.4L, and a Canon 70-200MM 2.8L. I use my 70-200MM for weddings and events, mostly. Although when I first purchased it, I did use it for family sessions and GOSH is it gorgeous!
I use my 35mm mostly for indoor lifestyle newborn sessions, especially if we are tight on space. My 85 is my baby, and my 50 is prolly my favorite lens.