Connecticut Family Photographer
a little About Me
My name is Alyssa (middle name Ashley), hence: Alyssa Ashley Photography.
As someone who will be capturing your families special moments, I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I am a law enforcement officer by day, photographer by night. I began my law enforcement career super early in life, and I will be retiring in 2 years, at which time I will take over photography full-time. (But if we're being real here, it's pretty full time now) My hubs and I have two daughters and a dog who is our third baby. I went to college in Boston and at Central Connecticut State University. Our daily lives are pretty chaotic as we run from school, to sports, to photos... y'all know the drill.
My girls are my why. My oldest is my 'angel baby', as she was born at 32 weeks. I was hospitalized for 14 days prior to delivering her due to preeclamsia. We then spent 5 long weeks in the NICU. It was an exhausting and scary road, but she's a strong little warrior. She's now 7, and you'd never know she was born so early.
My youngest is my 'sunshine baby'. She made it to 36 weeks, which was huge for us. She has the most incredible personality and is almost always happy. And let me tell you, if she's NOT happy, she will certainly let you know. She's 4, and has absolutely no issue keeping up with big sis.
My hubs is my rock. He's the calm in between the storm of living with 3 crazy girlies. He's the voice of reason in basically everything...because you know, caffeine addict over here means I'm always overthinking.
Fav Tv Shows: I fell in love with Greys Anatomy when I was on bed rest with my little Baby B, and quite frankly, I hardly watch anything else. I will forever love the Friends + Sex & The City series too!
Fav Beverage: I've always had a ridiculous obsession with coffee - any, and all coffee. (If you see me running around like a crazy person, I'm prolly cracked out on caffeine).
I also fell in love with yoga during the beginning of the pandemic -- if you haven't tried it, you should! (It also super helps with the amount of caffeine I consume daily hahaha)
Fav Season: FALL. Pumpkin spice everything. The most basic chick over here. Uggs, fires, flannels, leggings, pumpkins, scarecrows, hay rides.... Bring me ALL the fall things! Unlike half the world, summer is my least favorite season actually because I'm literally ALWAYS hot. (Hence why you'll see me in a t-shirt in November.)
Fav Holiday: Easy, I love Christmas. All things Christmas. The magic of it all; the joy. Especially now that I have two littles.
Music has always held a special place in my life .I've embraced music since I was very little. It began with me singing in church, and then my love for music just grew from there. I don't think there's anything a good few songs can't fix!
I'm also a super huge book nerd. I read quite a bit and rarely watch anything on TV. I even have highlight reels on my IG account for book reviews!
So now that you know everything I love....
Here's Some Things I'm Not So Fond Of:
- People Who Don't Have Manners - Saying please and thank you is NOT hard!
- Dishes In The Sink - I leave them in there even though it's my own pet peeve:)
- Folding Socks - I make it a game so my girls find pairs!
- A Bed Not Made - come on, it takes TWO seconds.
- Chipped Nails - if one nail chips, I will faithfully, every single time, peel the entire rest of my nail polish off.
- Having To Get Gas - I need to get a rechargeable car.
- Blow Drying My Hair - I would 100% pay someone to do my hair if I was rich.
- Burping. (I do it, but that doesn't mean I don't think its gross).
- Bullying. - there's absolutely no space in this world for someone to verbally attack another person even if they don't agree with them.

My Photography Journey:
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to freeze time, and capture the feeling of the present moment. I have had a camera in hand since I was 19 years old, and I don't think a day goes by that I am not snapping a photo of something or someone.
I have taken pictures with cell phones, disposable cameras, the first digital cameras ever made... I have had it all. Photography is a part of who I am, and it always has been. My husband always says to me... 'you're the only person I know that takes as many photos as you do, and still looks at them all, ALL the time'. And I do. Every single picture, digital and printed, phone and computer. I still look through ALL of them very often.
Why? Because when I took them, I felt something and the people I photographed felt something. And when I look through them... sometimes I laugh at what was happening during that moment, and sometimes I cry because of what the photo represents. But it's about that feeling. That feeling of nostalgia and bliss. Because something special happened that day that was worth remembering.
It's hard for me to even believe that something I started doing over 15 years ago as a hobby, would become a real life business, and something I am so incredibly passionate about. I am so humbled by all of you who have invited me to capture your special moments and represent your family through photography.