Truly, is there anything sweeter than a first-time, momma-to-be!?
I really, REALLY, loved being pregnant. It was like I had a 'built-in' friend, lol! I talked to my girls all the time, from the first minute I knew I was pregnant. I sang to them and read them stories. Told them what I was eating, or what was happening that day. I, along with most mothers, especially loved feeling my girls move in my belly. I still watch videos of them kicking around in there.
If there's anything I could change, I would have gone back and gotten maternity photos done. I still regret it to this day. It's so hard because even though this experience was such a good one, most expecting mama's, like myself, don't feel very good about themselves when they're pregnant. Therefore, they don't want to take the picture.
My 5 year shares my love of pictures, and nothing makes me happier. She constantly asks me to scroll through my camera roll, or to look at printed albums from when they were babies. She loves reminiscing. And I wish I had professional images to show her, instead of a selfie in the mirror that says "30 weeks, big as a cauliflower!". (LOL! Not that those are bad, because I did that too, you get my point.)
There is something bright, and radiant, about a woman expecting a baby, whether you think so or not. Pregnancy is something SO special, and SO intimate between a momma and her baby. Take the pictures. Bring other siblings with you. Let them share in the excitement of what's to come when their new baby brother or sister is born. Bring daddy too! Or, just do them alone. Just you and baby. However you choose, whichever photographer you choose... but take them. You won't regret it =)