Tips On What To Bring To Your Family Session For Your Kids:
If you're going to bring something for your kids to your session, let me give you some advice on what to bring!
I'd prefer if we didn't bring the childs favorite toy or pacifier, etc. It becomes really hard to remove it from them once they already have it at their session.
What I WOULD say to bring... is maybe a fake (or real) flower, or a dressy hat for boys and girls, or even a hankerchief for boys. They can hold onto these items and if they are in the picture they add a little texture and dimension to the photo. A lot of times I'll have the little boys pick up a stick or a flower to hand to mama, or the little girls can bring a special shall or cardigan and swing around in it. It gives them something to have with them that won't be a distraction or interruption for the final image.